Shane Blair is such a cutie and here the 22 year old from Los Angeles, California is playing the role of the innocent looking, yet naughty and horny af step sister with a lust crush on her step brother.
The step family genre is one that intrigues me. It says a lot more about us than most are willing to admit.
We live in a world where everyone and his dog seems to be having shit fits about just about everything. Make reference to a black person in a way that someone happens not to like on that day and hear public outcries about racism. Basically treat a woman in any way whatsoever and you’ll be able to find someone who takes exception to it for some or other reason. Let’s not even start the transgender train, what a clown fiesta that topic is.
Yet, here is step family porn, one of the most popular porn genres that essentially depicts incest and we’re all getting off on it. We sure are an interesting species.
Checkout this list of the top 5 step porn discounts.